October 12, 2021

(IS-2021-232) Multimodal Approaches for Indoor Localization for Ambient Assisted Living in Smart Homes 

October 12, 2021

(IS-2021-231) Being Blind to Water Use 

October 12, 2021

(IS-2021-230) Energy Management Information Systems Technical Resources Report 

October 12, 2021

(IS-2021-228) Improving Building Design with Division 25 Specifications 

October 12, 2021

(IS-2021-227) Smart Products – Building the Modern Home 

October 12, 2021

(IS-2021-226) A Research Paper on Internet of Things Based Upon Smart Homes with Security Risk Assessment Using OCTAVE Allegro 

October 12, 2021

(IS-2021-225) An IoT-Based Smart Home Automation System 

October 12, 2021

(IS-2021-224) The Future of Smart Home Design 

October 12, 2021

(IS-2021-223) Stepping Up Europe’s 2030 Climate Ambition

October 12, 2021

(IS-2021-222) An Economic Approach to Neutral Host Network Deployments