This report, published by Enerbrain for AI4Cities on November 3, 2022, presents a comprehensive analysis of the potential of AI-based solutions to accelerate carbon neutrality in urban environments. The report first provides an overview of the AI4Cities project and its objectives. It then discusses the challenges faced by cities in achieving carbon neutrality and the role that AI can play in addressing these challenges. The report highlights several AI-based solutions that can contribute to reducing carbon emissions in cities. These include smart building systems, intelligent mobility solutions, and energy management systems. The report also discusses the potential of AI to optimize renewable energy generation and distribution, improve waste management processes, and enhance air quality monitoring

Keywords:  Artificial Intelligence (AI), Building Retrofits, Cloud & Data Analytics, Control & Monitoring Equipment/Sensors, Energy Efficiency/Management, Healthy Buildings, HVAC & Indoor Air Quality (IAQ), Intelligent Building, Internet of Things (IoT), Enerbrain, AI4Cities, Measurement & Verification, CO2 Emissions

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