Prepared by UL Solutions and made public on August 1, 2022, this report delves into the instrumental role UL Solutions plays in aiding manufacturers in fulfilling compliance and safety requisites for Internet of Things (IoT) systems. These systems encompass communication avenues like Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, 5G, and millimeter wave. The report unveils three IoT security certification programs put forth by UL Solutions: the UL Cybersecurity Assurance Program, CTIA Cybersecurity Certification for IoT Devices, and IoT Security Ratings. The crux of this discourse underlines the imperative for manufacturers to furnish reliable and secure products. In the era of widespread IoT adoption, establishing consumer and business trust through trustworthy offerings stands as the preeminent takeaway.

Keywords: Association, Control & Monitoring Equipment/Sensors, Cybersecurity/Privacy, Internet of Things (IoT), Protocols/Standards, Smart Cities


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