This 2021 report was by Brivo, a prover of cloud-based access control and video surveillance, and WhosOnLocation, a people presence management software company. The analysis showcases the results of an online survey of five hundred thirty-eight respondents in all U.S. states. The aim is to gauge people’s willingness and main concerns regarding to the office. Human interaction with clients and colleagues was cited the main reason for returning to the workplace. Nonetheless, 59% of survey respondents expressed concern about returning to an office and worker proximity was identified as a major worry for all sectors. The report concludes that one-third of workers will eagerly return to the office, one-third will stay at home, and a final third will take a hybrid approach.
Keywords: Access Controls, Employee Productivity, Healthy Buildings, HVAC & Indoor Air Quality (IAQ), Post-COVID-19, Return to office

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