Networking Opportunities
Looking to expand your industry contacts? The Association for Smarter Homes & Buildings may have just what you need. Networking opportunities at ASHB include:
The Connected Home Council (CHC)
ASHB’s residential-sector council, CHC meets four (4) times a year to discuss issues and topics that are top of mind for the industry. Any ASHB member may join, including more than one individual from the same member organization. They also decide which topics will be put forward for the Connected Home Landmark Research project. View past minutes and terms of reference and a list of over 300+ Council members on the CHC home page.
The Intelligent Buildings Council (IBC)
Focusing on the large building sector, the IBC gathers four (4) times a year and hosts thought leadership webinars. Anyone who is a member of ASHB may join the Council and there are no restrictions on how many individuals from a member may join. The IBC also helps decide which topics will be put forward for the Intelligent Buildings Landmark Research project. Visit the IBC home page to view the past minutes and terms of reference and a list of 450+ Council members.
Review Committees
The Publications Review Committee reviews all research reports prior to their inclusion in the ASHB Member Library. Our White Paper Working Groups lead the development of ASHB white papers on trends and forces currently shaping the connected home and/or large building sector.
Member Introductions
ASHB can draw on its extensive database to connect you with valuable industry contacts. It can be challenging to reach out to new contacts in any company, but with ASHB’s lengthy involvement in the industry, we can facilitate introductions on our members’ behalf. Reach out to us at anytime at caba (at) caba (dot) org.
The ASHB Referral Program
The ASHB community is encouraged to provide referrals for new potential members. The referring organization will be entitled to a discount on their annual fee, if that referral results in a new ASHB member. Contact caba (at) caba (dot) org for any questions regarding our referral program.
Let ASHB be your passport to networking within the IoT buildings/homes space. We’re home to 300 organizations who are shaping the future of automated buildings and connected homes technologies. View our diverse list of members here.