ASHB Marketing Benchmark Service
Find out how your organization compares to others in the industry by taking advantage of the complimentary “members-only” ASHB Marketing Benchmark Service.
Those interested complete Frost & Sullivan’s Marketing Benchmark Survey. Following their participation, they will receive insights and analysis with comparison to the market in a one-on-one meeting, either in person or over the phone, with the research firm. This includes a 25+ page report with specific recommendations based on your activities versus your goals, and as compared to the market overall. There is no fee for the webinar, survey, or customized study.
The insights shared enable firms to benchmark best practices in the areas of Strategy, Content Marketing, Account Based Marketing, Budgeting and Success Measurement. In particular, participants have an opportunity to better understand:
• Key marketing tactics driving the greatest returns
• What proportion of revenues companies are spending on marketing
• Where marketing departments are scaling up or cutting back next year’s activities
Frost & Sullivan is partnering with ASHB to provide this as a service to ASHB’s members, and to help Frost & Sullivan better understand how marketing strategies and trends are evolving.
Feel free to contact Andrew Glennie, ASHB Member Services Coordinator ([email protected]), for more information about this recently-added ASHB member benefit.