Become a member

Join our nearly 300 member companies who are actively learning, networking, and advancing their business in the smart buildings/homes industry

As a member of ASHB, you’ll receive a number of benefits that will help broaden your business opportunities and maintain your competitiveness.

  • Exclusive access to timely market intelligence reports
  • Opportunities to recommend and participate in collaborative research projects
  • A vast network of industry insiders
  • Information on the latest developments in standards, protocols, and technology working groups
  • Avenues to promote your company’s products and services to a targeted audience
  • The opportunity to speak at industry events
  • Resources to identify products, technologies and industry trends that can make business more profitable.

We invite you to browse ASHB benefits in the three broad categories below — focused on Research & Information, Marketing, and Networking.


Members Library The ASHB Library is the #1 resource to find smart building and home research. Our industry experts have reviewed nearly 1,000 reports and white papers. All reports in the member-protected area of the library are less than three years old.
Quarterly Think Tanks These are informal sessions bringing together key industry leaders and subject matter experts that can discuss and share important industry news. These events also focus on the outcomes of Landmark Research Projects following completion of the project.
Collaborative Research Maximize profitability and actionable results by joining in ASHB research—while concurrently sharing and minimizing costs. Recent ASHB Landmark Research projects have focused on how industry players can make better decisions in relation to: intelligent buildings energy management systems, the transformative impact of the COVID-19 pandemic; and privacy and cybersecurity in the connected home.
White Papers Designed to offer a ‘snapshot’ or synthesis of existing industry information, the white papers are developed through the white paper working group. They are profiled on the ASHB Web site and distributed through the ASHB NewsBrief and social media.
NewsBrief Get the latest in our industry newsletter, distributed Thursdays.
Journal ASHB’s official blog, providing information and perspectives on the technologies and industry trends that are defining  the future of the smart building and home sector.
Discounted Research  By special agreement, several ASHB-member research organizations offer primary research they have completed in the “smart building and home” sector to ASHB members at a significant discount.
Podcast Join industry experts and leaders from around the globe as they discuss everything smart home and building on ASHB’s Smarter Homes & Buildings Podcast.


NewsBrief Members may  request that an article, media release or announcement be placed in the ASHB NewsBrief, which goes weekly to over 12,000 industry subscribers. If you are not already a subscriber, click on this link and browse recent issues. For advertising opportunities that exist for organizations in the NewsBrief, click the “Advertise” link at the bottom of any issue.
Social Media ASHB’s Twitter and LinkedIn accounts further support your organization’s industry presence, and members are encouraged to forward their news and media releases for sharing. We also have an active LinkedIn Group.
Journal Editorial contributions to the ASHB blog cover emerging research, information, trends, and challenges in the smart building and/or home sectors. View the guidelines on submitting an article.
Advertisements For advertising opportunities that exist for organizations in the ASHB NewsBrief and our website, click on the “Advertise” link at the bottom of any issue of the NewsBrief.
Email Campaigns Work with ASHB to cover your bases across the smart building and home spectrum. Build profile for your webinar series, and get to the contacts you want with a ASHB eblast package (available at three different levels).
Speakers’ Bureau ASHB brings together leading industry professionals able to speak at ASHB endorsed and other webinars through the Ambassadors and Speakers Bureau. ASHB receives many requests each week from both member and non-member organizations asking for speakers for various international events. In addition to ASHB staff and Board members, the ASHB Ambassadors and Speakers Bureau have provided subject matter experts that can speak to the rapidly growing “Smart Home and Building, Internet of Things (IoT), and Smart Cities” sector. ASHB members may register to join the other ASHB Ambassadors and Speakers, by contacting us.
Event Promotion Visit our website for a calendar of industry events, including our “ASHB Endorsed Events” which receive additional marketing and promotional support.
Podcast Join industry experts and leaders from around the globe as they discuss everything smart home and building on ASHB’s Smarter Homes & Buildings Podcast.


Smart Home Council (SHC) ASHB’s residential-sector council, SHC meets four (4) times a year to discuss issues and topics that are top of mind for the industry. Any ASHB member may join, including more than one individual from the same member organization. They also decide which topics will be put forward for the Smart Home Landmark Research project. View past minutes and terms of reference and a list of over 300+ Council members on the SHC home page.
Smart Building Council (SBC) Focusing on the large building sector, the SBC gathers four (4) times a year and hosts thought leadership webinars. Anyone who is a member of ASHB may join the Council and there are no restrictions on how many individuals from a member may join. The SBC also helps decide which topics will be put forward for the Smart Building Landmark Research project.  Visit the SBC home page to view the past minutes and terms of reference and a list of 500+ Council members.
Review Committees The Library Review Committee reviews all research reports prior to their inclusion in the ASHB Member Library. Our White Paper Working Groups lead the development of ASHB white papers on trends and forces currently shaping the connected home and/or large building sector.
Member Introductions ASHB can draw on its extensive database to connect you with valuable industry contacts. It is often very difficult to reach out to new contacts in any company, but with ASHB’s lengthy involvement in the industry, we can facilitate introductions on our members’ behalf.
Referral Program The ASHB community is encouraged to provide referrals for new potential members.  The referring organization will be entitled to a discount on their annual fee, if that referral results in a new ASHB member.
Already a member? Renew here


The Association for Smarter Homes & Buildings is unique as an industry association covering integrated systems and automation for both large buildings and the residential segment. Our members include OEMs, distributors, installers, integrators, software developers, building owners/developers, facility managers, and service providers. Here are some of their testimonials.

I am honored to be a part of ASHB. With my long experience in the industry, I don't believe that I have seen a trade organization that offers better resources for the benefit of its members

Barry T. DonahoePresident, Ei Electronics US, Inc.

The NewsBrief is fantastic!

Bret JacobDirector of Builder Sales, CORE Brands

I really like what the ASHB team have done with the ASHB NewsBrief. I look forward to each edition I receive. As much as I try to keep up on the latest technologies and happenings, I always learn something new when I read the NewsBrief.

Larry EhlingerSenior Director, Advanced Engineering & Smart Home Technologies, Pella Corporation

Compass Intelligence works with many industry organizations, but when it comes to groups working in the connected home and intelligent building sector, ASHB is by far the best association.

Keith RobinsonSenior Strategist and Consultant at Compass Intelligence

If ASHB has more webinars, please, please, please let me know. I will attend what I can. This ASHB Connected Home Council meeting was like a candy store, except cooler. Information never tasted so sweet!

Brittany HackSecurTek Monitoring Solutions

I have attended many industry events and, as a first-time attendee, the ASHB Intelligent Buildings & Digital Home Forum was by far the best industry event that I have ever attended.

Bob AllenThe Siemon Company

I’m very pleased to celebrate the 25th anniversary of ASHB. As one of the originals of the organization, I’ve watched it develop as a leader within this industry and help move it forward. Anyone who is not part of the organization should join.

Bob LaneRobert H. Lane Consulting

Throughout all of my experience, ASHB has been extremely helpful. It is an excellent organization with excellent publications and initiatives which promote events and standard. I look forward to ASHB’s next 25 years.

John AntonchickNCN Associates

I want to congratulate ASHB for doing a great job over the last 25 years. ASHB has been a leader in both the home and building markets through both its research and its industry outreach. Everything that the organization does is a valuable resource to our company and many others.

Steve HarveyGlobal Research Advisors

The relationship between ASHB and Z-Wave Alliance is absolutely phenomenal. Over the years, the support from ASHB has proven to the best relationship we have had in the home and building automation industry.

Bill SchefflerSigma Designs

ASHB has been instrumental in bringing us together with other organizations with similar interests, to form a common bond in order to understand where the industry is going. ASHB undertakes specialized research and is an excellent source of information, through its Web site and various research studies and projects.

Chellury (Ram) SastrySamsung Electronics

I found the ASHB Digital Home Forum to be the best, most-focused forum of smart home leaders assembled in one place in the U.S. I look forward to more of them!

Tim EnwallMobiplug

ASHB members and ASHB’s management staff have been uniquely influential in supporting the controlled growth of LumenCache. Our innovative product has the potential to transform a complex industry. ASHB membership, and the professional relationships it helps foster, is a key component to our market strategy as we partner with the very best companies in the industry.

Derek CowburnFounder, Lumen Cache, Inc.

The ASHB LinkedIn news feed is most valuable. I always look for it. It has very rich content.

Jane NeroIndependent Market Research Consultant

The ASHB library and its research are of great importance in my studies and professional life.

Veichali MahendraMSc Student, University of Reading

The value of the press coverage we receive is worth the cost of ASHB membership.

Jesse LindDirector of Sales & Operations, Cortexa

In North America, a group that has taken the lead in promoting and researching intelligent building systems is the Association for Smarter Homes & Buildings.

Patrick McLaughlinChief Editor, Cabling Installation & Maintenance Magazine

We feel that ASHB is an excellent source to keep a pulse on industry developments.

Phil KoppChief Operating Officer, Energy Eye Inc.

ASHB is a doing a wonderful job in promoting and advocating more intelligence for buildings.

Jim LongDirector of Research, Herman Miller, Inc.

ASHB is an excellent association to further industry thought and insights. The broad and diverse ASHB membership also provides expanded opportunities for networking and collaboration.

Martin CullumFormer ASHB Chairman of the Board

ASHB is an excellent organization. Its mantra is to be the definitive information source for home and building automation and it achieves this objective by providing the industry with outstanding research and practical steps to drive the development of high performance home and buildings.

Brad HaeberleVice President, Siemens

In 1994, when I joined ASHB, I felt the initiative of a few major manufacturers and utility companies was an opportunity to keep abreast of trends that had the potential to affect technological development within our industry. My intention at that time was to participate for only a few years. now 14 years later, I am still involved at the highest levels, and it goes without saying that ASHB is the best method to network, monitor technological and industrial developments and most importantly, develop opportunities to grow your business.

Leo DelZottoPresident, Tridel Corporation

Buildings and workplaces are changing rapidly through the convergence of real estate and technology solutions. ASHB is the leading organization in North America that communicates and promotes the building technology trends that are shaping the next generation of real estate.

Wolfgang WagenerHead of Global Real Estate and Construction Solutions, Cisco Systems

ASHB is leading the industry in promoting intelligent building integration. It focuses on validating the economic impact of integrated systems and developing tools to measure return on investment — real-world concerns for building owners, operators and designers. That’s the reason Honeywell is a sponsor and founding member. And it’s why we contribute to the ASHB task forces, working toward the common goal of improving building efficiency, productivity, safety and comfort.

Roy KolasaIntegrated Solutions Market Manager, Honeywell Global Marketing

ASHB is an excellent industry resource that provides great support to its members in the building industry and those industries that support it. Creating and improving upon ‘intelligent’ buildings and integrated systems technologies requires great research and information on the industry, which ASHB certainly provides.

Michael LeeVP Strategy & Development, Rogers Cable Communications Inc.

ASHB provides a critical connection between those of us who develop technology for intelligent buildings and those who specify, install, and use the products.

Jack TisonVP Technology, Panduit Corp.

Automated buildings can have a huge impact on cost control, energy management, improved security, and a host of other valuable applications. We checked out the Association for Smarter Homes & Buildings and joined immediately.

Frank BisbeeCommunication Planning Corp.

Bell Canada is an active member of ASHB. The diverse and influential ASHB membership provides a wealth of networking opportunities to share information and establish new business relationships between industry players.

Martin CullumGM Technology Development – Video Networks, Bell Canada

Trane supports and actively participates with ASHB in order to continue to advance the movement toward IT based open standard protocols that enable building system information exchange. Having an active forum that gathers input from building owners, operators and multiple building system providers is key to realizing the potential of true building information management.

Jay AlthofVice President, Global Control Systems, Trane

ASHB is the most consistent source of unbiased information about the home systems and building automation markets. I recommend ASHB to all my clients in these markets.

Dr. Ken WacksPresident, Ken Wacks Associates

CompTIA certification Cornerstone Partners such as ASHB are key to the success of the CompTIA Home Technology Integrator (HTI+) program. Their subject matter expertise and ongoing involvement in the HTI+ committee help provide a valuable benchmark and validation of the skills of professionals installing and servicing the automated home industry.

John VenatorPresident and CEO, CompTIA

My entire team reads your QUARTERLY. Very nice job! You are doing great things for the intelligent building world and I am really glad to be affiliated with ASHB!

Jim YoungProducer, Realcomm; President, REApplications

As a long time veteran of the residential integrated electronics industry, I have always turned to ASHB to provide me with no nonsense, accurate and current information on the ‘who, what, why’ that is happening in the industry and they always deliver. ASHB has the information that is valuable to dealers – where the industry is going, new products and services, and networking opportunities. Keep up the good work!

Helen HeneveldHDCI, Heneveld Dynamic Consulting, Inc.

The ASHB library contains some of the most high quality research material that focuses in the areas of Building and Residential markets that I have come across doing research over the years in these markets. ASHB has the most concentrated information focusing in these two markets.

Roger PenaHouston Community College

ASHB is a great organization and is second to none in gathering and distilling relevant industry information to its constituents. LANTRONIX relies heavily on that membership service to target our products and focus business development activity.

Dan QuigleyExecutive VP and GM, Applications, LANTRONIX

ASHB is one of the best sources of information for companies involved in the digitally connected home.

Michael WolfDirector of Enterprise and Residential Communications, In-Stat/MDR

ASHB’s publications and resources, especially the ASHB QUARTERLY and the ASHB Event Reports, easily justify our membership. These reports allow me and my team to evaluate all the relevant technologies, products, companies, trends and events in order to best focus our efforts.

Tom RauscherPresident, Archi-Technology, LLC

I admire ASHB for not putting out any one viewpoint. The organization provides an excellent forum for discussion and facilitates information exchange of a high order. My research into any subject area in building controls usually starts with a trip to their Web site

Madeleine BathGeneral Manager, securityXML Limited

I look forward to ASHB’s useful and concise Event Reports. They’ve become a regular tool I use to help track evolving market views being presented at events by our partners and competitors.

Kevin EaganGeneral Manager, Windows eHome Division, Microsoft Corporation

ASHB is becoming to the automation industry what ASHRAE is to the HVAC industry providing documentation, standards, forums and industry consensus that bridges over several industries such as lighting, security, HVAC, home market, etc.

Ken SinclairEditor/Owner,

ProSyst Software is a truly pleased member of ASHB. I would strongly recommend to any company involved in home or building systems and technologies to join this organization. They are a neutral and international source for information and intelligence.

Dr. Susan SchwarzeMarketing Director, ProSyst Software AG

For the record, I was wrong not to join ASHB sooner. Print it. Forward it. Have people call me. The information I regularly receive and the opportunities that ASHB presents are worth the investment. Thanks again for your hard work and commitment.

Keith OstwaldSmart Systems Technologies, Inc.

With all the great things that ASHB is doing for my business, they can count on my support from now to the end of time! Of all the affiliations we have, our membership in ASHB has proven to be the most beneficial.

Richard PerkinsCEO, Property Control Systems Ltd.

The presentation of information and standards on your Web site is excellent! ASHB is performing a valuable service for all who feel standards interoperability is vital to the success of many of today’s initiatives.

Ralph AbbotPresident, Plexus Research, Inc.

Heartiest congratulations to ASHB members and staff on your remarkable milestone. Challenging times require dedicated staff and committed members — and indeed that has been the secret to ASHB’s twenty years of success. It’s a real pleasure for me to salute ASHB, and to recognize its outstanding achievements.

Jack FraserFormer ASHB President

There is simply no better industry organization for keeping our company current on major industry issues than ASHB. Having been a ASHB member since inception, OnQ Technologies relies on the ASHB Event Reports, ASHB Home & Building Automation QUARTERLY and Web-based seminars for timely relevant information about this fast paced industry. The OnQ investment in ASHB membership pays regular dividends!

David HanchetteVP Marketing, On-Q Home

The ASHB Technology Roadmap for Intelligent Buildings is a well researched and written document that I promote as recommended reading for our people as well as architects, engineers and owners. It presents a solid portrait of the state of our industry and a clear vision of where we are headed.

Terry HoffmannSystems Sales Executive, Johnson Controls, Ltd.

Cisco is a member of ASHB to further our vision of broadband communications and to expand both the consumer Internet Lifestyle and commercial investments in building automation.

Kristine StewartDirector, Market Development, Worldwide Commercial Marketing, Cisco Systems

The ASHB White Paper Program alone has justified the price of membership.

Richard JacksonPresident, IEC Systems

ASHB’s Technology Roadmap for Intelligent Buildings is a comprehensive and stimulating report. It is an exciting read, packed with useful information and thought provoking content.

Ed ReganAccount Executive, Interstate Electronics Company

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