Organizations can find new avenues to expand their profile within the intelligent buildings and connected homes market by working with ASHB. The Association for Smarter Homes & Buildings offers the following membership benefits related to promotional opportunities.
Members may request that an article, media release or announcement be placed in the ASHB NewsBrief, which goes weekly to over 19,000 industry subscribers. If you are not already a subscriber, click on this link and browse recent issues. For advertising opportunities that exist for organizations in the NewsBrief, click the “Advertise” link at the bottom of any issue.
Quarterly Think Tanks
These are informal sessions bringing together key industry leaders and subject matter experts that can discuss and share important industry news. These events also focus on the outcomes of Landmark Research Projects following completion of the project.
Social Media
ASHB’s Twitter and LinkedIn accounts further support your organization’s campaigns and messaging, and members are encouraged to forward their news and media releases for sharing. We also have an active LinkedIn Group.
Review Committees
The Publications Review Committee reviews all research reports prior to their inclusion in the ASHB Member Library. Our White Paper Working Groups lead the development of ASHB white papers on trends and forces currently shaping the connected home and/or large building sector.
Editorial contributions to the ASHB blog cover emerging research, information, trends, and challenges in the intelligent buildings and/or connected home sectors. View the guidelines on submitting an article.
To advertise in the ASHB NewsBrief and our website, click on the “Advertise” link at the bottom of any issue of the NewsBrief.
Email campaigns
Consider working with ASHB to cover your bases across the intelligent buildings and connected homes spectrum. Build profile for your webinar series, and get to the contacts you want with a ASHB eblast package (available at three different levels).
Speakers’ Bureau
ASHB brings together leading industry professionals able to speak at ASHB endorsed and other webinars through the Ambassadors and Speakers Bureau. ASHB receives many requests each week from both member and non-member organizations asking for speakers for various international events. In addition to ASHB staff and Board members, the ASHB Ambassadors and Speakers Bureau have provided subject matter experts that can speak to the rapidly growing “Connected Home, Internet of Things (IoT), Smart Cities, and Intelligent Buildings” sector. ASHB members may register to join the other ASHB Ambassadors and Speakers, by contacting caba (at) caba (dot) org.
Event promotion
Visit our website for a calendar of industry events, including our “ASHB Endorsed Events” which receive additional marketing and promotional support.
ASHB Smarter Homes & Buildings Podcast
The ASHB Smarter Homes & Buildings Podcast convenes global industry experts and leaders to delve into the realm of smart home technology and intelligent building solutions, engaging in insightful discussions that cover a wide array of pertinent topics.