Authored by Yunxiao Zhang, Pasquale Malacaria, George Loukas, and Emmanouil Panaousis, this report saw its publication in Elsevier’s Computers & Security Journal on April 5, 2023. The focus centers on introducing a novel decision support framework named Cyber Risk Optimiser for Smart homes (CROSS). This framework offers a two-stage cybersecurity advisory aimed at aiding both smart home users and service providers in selecting optimal cybersecurity controls to counteract potential cyber attacks within smart home environments. The report includes a use case exemplifying the application of Artificial Intelligence and the Internet of Things in a smart heating setup. The main insight gleaned underscores the viability of the CROSS framework, while acknowledging the need for further assessment in terms of performance, adaptability, and robustness.

Keywords: Access Controls, Architecture/Engineering, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Association, Audio/Video, Communications, Computer/Network Hardware, Cybersecurity/Privacy, Energy Efficiency/Management, Internet of Things (IoT), Protocols/Standards, Training, Voice & Speech Recognition

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