Authored by Huaxiao Chen, Yuwei Zhang, and Li Wang, this insightful article graced the pages of the BMC Public Health journal on March 1, 2023. The crux of the article revolves around the strategic implementation of a service quality model, known as SERVQUAL, to establish a comprehensive quality evaluation index system for smart senior care among older adults within Chinese communities. Through meticulous analysis of community data, the study unveiled a multifaceted quality evaluation index, shedding light on the imperative demand for intelligent services spanning meals, cleaning, medical care, emergency assistance, and recreational engagement. The key takeaway from this investigation underscores the indispensability of providing seniors with smart services characterized by promptness, dependability, and user-friendliness.

Keywords: Architecture/Engineering, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Association, Construction/New Buildings, Control & Monitoring Equipment/Sensors, Cybersecurity/Privacy, Internet of Things (IoT), Post-COVID-19, Trade Shows, Training, Elderly Care, Older Adults

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