Eric Harper of SnapAV 
(audio file in mp3 format | 1:19 mins.)
“More and more of the solutions we collectively provide are ‘connected’ – even more so as the COVID-19 pandemic has teleworking and teleschooling in the forefront. While this connectivity drives tremendous utility and value, we know that it also comes with risk from bad actors and simply lack of knowledge on what is being shared. We are proud to fund this landmark research and will leverage the findings and insights to help inform our privacy and cybersecurity strategies and roadmaps. If you are not already a sponsor I encourage you to join us on this important project.”
 – Eric Harper, Head of Product Marketing and Market Management, SnapAV

Steve Koenig of Consumer Technology Association (audio file in mp3 format | 2:39)
“What we like about ASHB’s research approach is that through the lens of these landmark studies, they take a long hard look at these subjects, with a lot of in-depth analysis that we clearly endorse… There’s tremendous value for your sponsorship dollar and CES sees that, which is really why we’ve been a repeat custom of these landmark studies over many years.”
 – Steve  Koenig, Senior Director, Market Research, Consumer Technology Association


The purpose of this research is to examine various aspects of privacy and cybersecurity as they relate to the connected home industry.

Using industry expert interviews and consumer surveys, the research will examine challenges and opportunities related to: privacy and cybersecurity trends related to the Internet of Things (IoT), public concern and awareness of privacy and cybersecurity, how privacy and cybersecurity impacts the adoption of connected home devices and services, business case analysis for privacy and cybersecurity in the home, specific opportunities and recommendations for all key industry players. The results will provide actionable data relevant to: the state of the market, key industry players business opportunities, technical barriers and opportunities, future market direction, issues, use-cases and industry recommendations. The final report is slated for publication in February 2021.

The research firm that will conduct this research is to be selected through a competitive RFP process in early 2020.


Research Prospectus

Access to full, completed research is only available to participating funding organizations. The image above shows the logos of the current participating sponsors, all of them ASHB members.

Funders of the project may participate at one of the levels below, and will receive the benefits associated with the level of contribution. Special discounts apply during this unprecedented year.

Titanium Funder (1K):
• Name and logo will be placed on the front page of the research report, slide deck, media releases, and marketing material.
• Following the four (4) month embargo period the full research can be purchased at a $1K discount.
• Executive summary report (not the full research).

Bronze Funder – $3K (normally $5K):
• All benefits associated with the Titanium Funder level.
• Opportunity to participate in the final webinar with all the funders which will highlight the findings of the research in detail.
• Ability to ask the questions to the research analysts.
• The raw data from the research.
• Final report, executive summary and presentations.

Silver Funder – $6K (normally $10K) – Most Common Level: 
• All benefits associated with the Bronze Funder level.
• Will be on the Steering Committee and allowed to: define the research scope and methodology, provide feedback and input regarding the direction of the study, and participate in Steering Committee webinars.
• Will have a special one (1) hour webinar specifically for your organization.  Anyone from your organization can attend and receive a detailed overview of the research findings that relate to your organization.
• Will receive bonus research reports that the vendor may provide.

Gold Funder – $10K (normally $15K): 
• All benefits associated with the Silver Funder level.
• Will receive a case study within the research to highlight the work your organization has been doing in the area. The case study would typically be supplied by the funder, but in some instances research firms have developed case studies on the funder’s behalf.
• The case study will be included with the executive summary, which will be distributed to all ASHB member contacts.


ASHB seeks partners to conduct this important work.  For more information on this opportunity, please contact Greg Walker, ASHB Research Director.
Greg Walker
ASHB Research Director
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 613.686.1814 x227